Any electrical device that can be linked your smart home system, communicate with other devices, and make certain decisions on its own is considered a smart device.

     Smart devices include things like televisions, alarm system, doorbells, and garage doors. You may gradually turn your home into a smart home by purchasing smart IoT gadgets separately over time.

"STC" provides customized module to help users complete the smart home system step by step.  

任何電子裝置可以連接智能家庭系統, 進行通訊的電器設備與其它設備配合, 並自行作出某些決定被定義為智能設備. 智能設備包含電視,

警報系統, 門鈴, 車庫門鈴等...... 隨著時間推移, 您可以透過購買智能物聯網工具來逐步將您的家變成智能家庭.

STC提供客制化智能模組, 幫助使用者逐步完成智能家庭.